Thursday, November 13, 2008


i notice that aparna is not commenting here anymore. maybe she's away and i also noticed that the badass pain didn't really shoot up like crazy for the last 24 hours, it did but not like it does. i also noticed that its getting colder and soups have never tasted so good before. it wouldnt be easy to ignore this fact that this internet connection sucks, so does this comp but i think i can work around it if i do not have no other options. i have been also noticing very good deals on used pedals so should i catch one? or would the customs duties suck bad?

uhhhhhhhhh whatever........ outside the fish bowl was a cat on the prowl! the goldfish survived so did the naked eye

1 comment:

Aparna Mudi said...

aparna was out for the last two days.... hence the problem my dear boy.... nice observations.... by the way i want to taste what goldfishes are like... and i was thinking... if cats enjoy having gold fish so wud human beings... na???